Sunday, December 27

NFL Punters - Best Job Ever??

After lots of thought - Why being a NFL punter is the best job ever.

These guys first get to be on a NFL team - and only have to really play in about 5-10 plays per game.  Now some of these easy job guys do get to enjoy the task of being the field goal kickers holder.  So some of the NFL punters will have to be in around 8-15 plays per game.

The average time for one play is around 6 seconds snap to whistle.  Simple math here. 6sec x 15 plays = 1 minute and 30 seconds.  Lets just give them 2 minutes for all the warm up time they do on the sidelines practicing their kicking form like big dorks.

So the average yearly salary for the NFL Punter is $1,400,000 in 2008.  Yes that is $1.4 million per year.  Take this by time actually worked during a game is just crazy!  I know that all these punters are on the team - go with the team, practice with the team, have separate workouts to prepare their bodies for this brutal NFL gig.

So how much pressure does the punter have on the field?  Well catching the snap, taking a step, drop the ball, swing up other foot and kick the ball.   Stand there for about 5-7 seconds to admire that sweet spiral you put on that kick.  Then just slowly jog forward about 10 yards and left or right depending on which way the return is coming.  Every so often there will be at this time the "Oh CRAP" factor when the returner is breaking thru your punt team coverage.  The omg I'm going to have to try to tackle this guy that runs a 4.4 forty and I'm just a guy that can kick the ball far and drop it like a dime inside the 10.  Usually the punter makes the effort that like a old man falling on some ice.

So that is their job - Show up for practice and kick some balls.  WTF

--- about five mins after posting this I learned that evidently NFL punters are allowed to celebrate and point to the heavens when they drop a punt on the one yard line.  I think I even saw a jump and a fist pump!   

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